
A hands-on skill development platform with project-based workshops led by industry experts.

My Role

Responsible for research, conceptualisation, design, user testing and delivery of the product and feature areas.
I conducted surveys to define the problem areas, conducted usability testing, created user flows, wireframes and high fidelity mockups. Also, conducted A/B testing with beta users.

The Problem

  • Need to bridge the gap between university education and the need for industry-ready interns and freshers.
  • Most of the ed-tech platforms today promote learning by watching videos and do not focus on practical implementation thus leaving gaps in the users actual know-how of implementation of the skills.
  • Lack of proper mentorship and evaluation, which is of utmost importance to improve one’s skills and understand problem areas when learning a new skill.
Omniversity platform

What could work

An online platform that helps in career growth of students as well as professionals with the help of industry-relevant workshops led by industry experts.
The aim was to make the users industry ready by providing practical experience and performance evaluation with metrics. We developed milestone-based hands-on learning workshops that would ensure that users truly up-skilled and evaluated their submissions, so that the users to know how to improve.
Additionally, provide internship and job opportunities by collaborating with companies that need skilled employees. Aim was to provide industry-ready talent to companies along with detailed insights about their skills, dependability & projects, to ease their recruitment process.

Our Process

Surveys & Findings
Identify users and their goals through surveys, created User Personas.
User Research


Students need hands-on project experience.


Students need career advice and guidance


Students are looking for internship opportunities.


Students are looking for jobs in their relevant stream of education.

Who is it for

Understanding the user demographic
user personas
What the user needs
Streamlined what features to be included for the students and mentors.
User Research
  • Students find it hard to find relevant projects/workshops in non-computer science domains.
  • Hard to find in-depth projects to work on that give them real world experience.
  • Students need feedback and help from professionals in their domain while working on projects
  • Industry professionals are eager to help mentor students and earn passive rewards and gratitude.

Ideation and proof of concept

Identify pain points of various users & stakeholders, solutions for these pain points, develop methodology, proof of concept through simulation of methodology on an excel-based workshop.

Design Process

Developed work flows based on results from simulation of our methodology in excel-based workshops. Created User flows and High fidelity mockups.
We created an online dashboard as a user would mostly need their computer/laptop to perform the tasks in any workshop along with a discord community that enables learners to resolve any doubts and keep in touch within their area of interest.

User Flows

The user stories were then converted into user flows to illustrate how the students and mentors would interact with the platform and accomplish those goals.

Style Guide & Components

High Fidelity Mockups

Login/Signup and profile set-up
Profile set-up helped the user build their portfolio and helped us suggest workshops according to the user’s interests. Their portfolio is also shared with companies looking for interns or employees, helping the candidate get job opportunities in a role that matches their skills and interests.
How do workshops work
Industry relevant workshops are created by professionals to help learners get real world experience.


Helps suggest the right workshops if the user is confused about where to start.

I'm stuck

In case the user gets stuck in a task, they can seek help by connecting with mentors and peers on the discussion forum or report technical issues. Also, request an extension of the task deadline.

Milestone based

The workshops are divided into guided milestones with multiple tasks that may require a submission. All tasks have resources for reference.


User submits the task for review and is evaluated on various metrics. The users also receives feedback on their submissions.

Workshop creation and review

Mentors create workshops on the platform and evaluate the performance of learners.
Mentors also receive feedback on their workshops and performance reports of to see the number of students enrolled, improve their workshops and hence earn more.

User Testing & Launch

User testing was conducted using beta users for  2 months and their inputs were used to improve the product in terms of workshop content, user experience and some layout changes. From 20 beta users in a remote tier-3 college, 4 students upskilled and found jobs in their relevant domains within 4 months.

As the platform helps students find relevant workshops & mentorship to upskill, I also designed the business website to highlight the benefits of our milestones based workshops as well as explain the process and let them know how to get started. This website also highlighted that this platform enables the user get real-world experience and also helps them get placed, thus being an all-round solution.
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